Kevin Saenz
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If we as human beings connect with our body at the most optimal state… we can live a life of longevity, without fear, and purpose



I strive to have my clients reconnect with their body by understanding what works best for them. We as humans take our bodies for granted - we either do too little, or too much. The questions we need to ask ourselves is what is going on in our bodies - and we can figure that out just by listening to how we feel.

Are you in pain? Depressed? Anxious?  Restless? Unfocused? Overweight?
Have low self-esteem? Prescribed medications?

If we feel govern or imprisoned by our own bodies it's going to affect other areas of life such as work, relationships, health, finances, happiness, mind, success etc.
You can't study self-discipline, but you can create habits to rebuild your perspective on how to cope with the ins and outs of daily life.

It's all starts with our anatomy and physiology ... "The human body".




integrate & improve biomechanics





No matter how hard I tried, gaining muscle was very difficult for me.

I wanted a physical change bad, but I knew I was doing this for a bigger reason and that was for myself, my family and my overall happiness. I had no sense of direction as I never had a father figure in my life. I started to put the pieces together.... how I saw change in the gym is how I can see change in own life. That act of perseverance and taste of failure physically and mentally prepared me for the years to come for my long-life goals. No matter how bad life treats you, you have to be willing to stick it through to get to a higher ground, it's all about perspective.

I linked my perseverance to fix my lack of physical strength, lack of ripped muscle, fragile bones (had many injuries), low self- esteem, lack of athleticism, fear and anxiety to my own mental perspective on how to go out of my way and avoid excuses to achieve the goals I want whether it has nothing to do with the gym ... As for all my clients, you can have the body you always desired, but you MUST make the mental connection to do it, make that deep emotional connection to it and never look back. All this lead me to the experience I have today on sports rehabilitation, nutrition, managing stress, improving athletic performance, bodybuilding, mobility, and the overall management of the human body through exercise. It's the reason I chose a 3-dimension training system where you exercise in different planes of motion like an athlete and overall on how humans are really supposed to move. Regular exercise, balanced, nutrition, stress management, sleeping patterns, discipline and breathing correctly all shaped the opened minded person I am today.



Growing up I was very shy, quiet, fearful and anxious. I was always very active, the type of person to walk everywhere before owning a car. I ran track in high school as other sports were difficult for my tall, skinny, weak body. No matter how hard I tried, gaining muscle was very difficult for me. Being weak and thin took a toll on my self-esteem, coupled with slight depression from what my family was dealing with at that time. When I was at my lowest - I stumbled across a gym membership that I paid for with the last check I received before getting laid off from work.

I found mental strength through exercising, I had a lot of frustration with what was going on around me and I found a way to transfer that energy and give myself a chance to change what was making me feel depressed, yeah sure the physical changes were great, but that mental focus and strength I gained were unmatched to anything else in this world.

Regular exercise, balanced, nutrition, stress management, sleeping patterns... shaped the opened minded person I am today.